Salma Hayek | 55

There’s no question that most Hollywood fans consider Salma Hayek one of the industry’s luckiest celebrities. She has it all from her top-notch looks paired with outstanding talent in acting. It’s certainly not a surprise that she managed to find a billionaire husband in Francois-Henri Pinault. Without a doubt, she used her looks as leverage, and you could say that she won’t have to worry about her credit cards whenever she goes out for some shopping.

Despite living a comfortable life today, Salma makes it a point to accept various acting jobs from time to time. You could make the case that she acts in order to satisfy her passion for acting. In turn, Hayek is expected to appear in an upcoming film titled The Eternals and The Bliss. She’s certainly going strong even at the age of 55, and her youthful glow and looks allow her to land any acting gig that she wants. How does she do it, you ask? It’s pretty straightforward, as she uses everything she learned about skincare. The actress has a comprehensive beauty routine, pairing it with a diet that allows her to look incredibly good for her age!
